About ICM and Our Heritage
Established as a charity for global outreach in 1979, the Institute of Commercial Management (ICM) is the leading professional body for commercial and business development staff. ICM provides a wide range of professional qualifications in business, management and related vocational areas. Our programmes are designed to address and respond to the training needs as well as the personal development of learners, whether entering or continuing to work within the wide and varied commercial sector. ICM exhibits best practice in responding to the academic and vocational needs of learners by regular liaison and structured feedback mechanisms, thereby ensuring that we stay in touch with the needs of Centres and learners. We strive to implement rigour in the award of credit, inclusive in assessment and examination, accuracy and efficiency in the certification of all our learners undertaking business, management and related vocational education programmes.
Business Education and Training Programmes
ICM's global services include the design, development and certification of business education and training programmes. The development and certification of bespoke education and training programmes for the corporate sector means that our courses are fit for purpose. ICM works with a range of public and private sector clients including universities, business schools, colleges, training providers and government agencies.